Summer Journal 2012, September 4
Tomorrow at this time we should be about ready to land in Athens, Greece. Stell asked for a photo of himself in front of his favorite holly tree last night:
Stell and "Holly"
We met Petra and Kyros for dinner. They were animated and caught us up on their three children. Nicos is 17 and was staying at home in Frankfurt by himself, while his parents are here for two weeks. Kyros was anxious to put his boat in the sea. The three of them are going to some island off the coast of South Africa for a month around New Years. I think Nicos will go for only two months. Thomas has left his apartment in Darmstadt, but continues his studies in architecture there but lives in an apartment in Frankfurt near his parents. Melissa has been set back in her medical program because of her accident. They expressed some concern for her because she is dating a Turk. This is not easy for Greeks to accept. Nonetheless, everyone seemed in high spirits and Petra is trying to talk us into coming to Germany when we leave Greece next summer and going with them on a trip to the Black Forest.
We have several errands to run this morning. For me the main one is to give Tula the Kalosyne Award. Perhaps I will have a parting message tonight if the internet is still working. If not, I'll be reporting next from Georgia on Thursday.
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