Lise der Vartanian 2006 Kalosyne Recipient
February 24, 2006
Hilltop Restaurant
Athens, Georgia
"Here's to us. Who's like us?" Damn few." This occasion was an opportunity for me to present my good friend Lise with a 2006 Kalosyne Day Award for all she does on behalf of Hispanic people in our area. She's a member of our larger group of friends called Usual Suspects (actually this was also the first luncheon of USW - Usual Suspect Women. Missing in action was Priscilla Sumner who was traveling in Guatemala.) Lise doesn't say much at all about all these good works she performs to assist others, because that's her style. As one of the founders of Kalosyne Day, I want to say that she is a "perfect" representative of the kind of person I had in mind. She does so much for others, but without an iota of boast or an ounce of attention to self.
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