Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Meaning and Balance

What is a healthy approach for developing both a strong individual character and a responsibility for the collective?

Are we not thinking about the looming social policy, social equity and social justice issues because they are uncomfortable matters? Because they are complex? Because we think someone else will solve the problems that confront our society? Because we have been duped by Hollywood and Wall Street? Are we not thinking about these issues perhaps because they make us feel guilty, and guilty is not a warm place to be?

Why don’t we intentionally ask, who is not at the table in our community meetings, who is not represented on television? Are we blind? Do we lack a consciousness? A conscience?

Have we lost our public places and spaces to do socially reflective practice? Do we have no time for citizenship?

Have you heard anyone recently say “I have a right to my opinion!”
Have you heard anyone recently say “I have a responsibility for my opinion”?

Have we sold out to the consumer worldview that tells us to focus on ourselves as individuals? Do you know anyone who is at peace with herself/himself? Would you score high on a test of intrapersonal intelligence? Do you know yourself? Why are people forming “voluntary simplicity groups?” Do you have someone to love, good work to do, something you are looking forward to?

People don’t empower other people to think, to act – people may give guidance and tools to others to help them empower themselves. Empowerment must come from within an individual – it is not a “knighting” or a “dubbing” process.

Do we have any people in our society who would be willing to give up something they want, if accepting something else would be better for the larger society? Do we have people who care for the larger society? What causes people to widen the circle of their caring from individual/family/neighborhood/community/state/nation/world? Do people think about the consequences of a planet with 6 billion people?

Why are we a country in need of “civility” lessons? Why are so many people rude to Waitresses? Maids? Secretaries? Does this say something about class?

Assumptions – and Making Claims

Are the following claims that can be made or assumptions?

1. The lecture is the best instructional method
2. Grades matter
3. Instructors understand assessment
4. Introductory courses should be taught as introductory courses
5. The University is a microcosm of the real world
6. The stock market is a good indicator of quality of life

Our voice/our language/our culture – a need for sensitive, savvy translators, bridge-builders [Difficult Conversations, The Way We Talk]

Do you have soak time/down time/meditation/walk time/talk time/pause/space – to do reflective practice?

The First Step

The young poet Eumenes complained one day to Theocritus: "I have been waiting for two years now and I have done only one idyll.
It is my only finished work.
Alas, it is steep, I see it,
the stairway of Poetry is so steep; and from the first step where I now stand, poor me, I shall never ascend."
"These words," Theocritus said, are unbecoming and blasphemous. And if you are on the first step, you ought to be proud and pleased. Coming as far as this is not little; what you have achieved is great glory. For even this first step is far distant from the common herd. To set your foot upon this step you must rightfully be a citizen of the city of ideas.
And in that city it is hard and rare to be naturalized. In her market you find Lawmakers whom no adventurer can dupe. Coming as far as this is not little;
what you have achieved is great glory.

C. P. Cavafy


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