Comments to Athens Banner Herald Articles
Chamber leader: Athens could be driving away jobs
I think this local issue and so many State and National issues are a matter of - are we loyal or are we honest? Perhaps we have to move beyond a maturity of being "fans" and instead become citizens and statespeople. I don't think we become educated to be cheerleaders. I think we become educated to know how to deliberate and make tough choices. When sports figures/managers are invited to be the Chamber of Commerce keynoters what you get is a sports rally, not a serious presentation about business development and growth for a community that is more than Bulldogs. What are the communities that are being successful in attracting stellar businesses doing that we aren't doing? That's a question worth the attention of the Chamber. We really need to move beyond this Postman perception of Amusing Ourselves to Death. We are fiddling, and the community is afire. We do have the human resources in this area to attract great businesses, but at the moment we have a "limited vision" challenge. We don't have to stop rallying around sports teams, but we need some other initiatives that also inspire and sustain community life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
posted @ Wednesday, June 22, 2011 - 22:03Buffalo: Adams should fund scholarship
I definitely think $50 grand would make a tremendous difference in the educational futures of some of our young scholars who are not going onto studies because they simply don't have the resources. Using this bonus in such a way would definitely send a signal about valuing education. I think this is a great idea.
posted @ Friday, June 17, 2011 - 09:02Blueprint: Athens woman earns coveted scholarship
I had the good fortune to be one of the readers for level three. Ms. Stokes was my number one pick. She's very impressive, and I was thrilled to see an Athens' woman chosen. The competition is fierce. We are so lucky to have this amazing Foundation led by an incredible executive director and staff and guided by a selfless and talented Board of Directors. The process is fair and democratic, and I personally am glad to see a Foundation that has one very excellent clear mission - supporting the higher education of older women in the United States.
posted @ Friday, June 10, 2011 - 10:15Fireworks a no show this Fourth
What a great opportunity for folks to think about how to celebrate with family and friends - to think more about "small is beautiful" when considering democracy.
Make your own celebration with your closest neighbors. What a concept, eh?
Immigration crackdown approved
Who will pick those onions and other fruits and vegetables in the NEAR FUTURE? Certainly those in the agribusiness will abide by the law! Now there is something for all those teens to do who have been looking for summer work, right! I wonder how many visitors/conferences Georgia will lose now if we follow the Arizona model. I imagine the E-Verify advocates will be swarming to the large farms. Maybe Michael Moore will make a movie that will put us on the world map. Isn't it great to think of all the law suits coming our way. We have such visionaries in our legislature. This law should make a real dent in our unemployment numbers. Be sure to share the news of the passage of this law with all your friends around the country, so they can know firsthand how regressive our State is.
posted @ Friday, April 15, 2011 - 15:47Judge Jones: Judge of character
I am grateful for Judge Jones and commend the people in our community who spotted his superior qualifications and character years ago and encouraged him to pursue his law degree. I've been on a jury where he presided and he reminded everyone in the courtroom of the privilege of citizenship. I know nothing of his limitations on the golf course, but I do know that he has made innumerable contributions to our area. He is both wise and compassionate. And he has a tremendous sense of humor. I'm happy for him and Lillian, sad for us, and dreading the thought of him in that Atlanta traffic. ALL THE BEST!
posted @ Sunday, March 13, 2011 - 14:29Georgia lawmakers consider more gun changes
I think the only place it makes sense for people to be able to bear arms is in the Georgia Legislature.
posted @ Friday, March 4, 2011 - 17:21Call center move to take about 420 local jobs
A number of people have mentioned that one of the reasons this company may be leaving is a rising crime rate. I would imagine that a lot of business and industry will leave the South (and should) if the gun laws continue to mean greater access to more people in public places like on campuses and in churches. Despite the cold and harsh winters of places North, I'd rather live in a safer environment myself. The South's bright future is regressing with retro-politicians who can't follow the dots. We are still counting on sports to save the day. The speaker at the Chamber's event last night was the UGA Athletic Director, instead of an individual who could talk about the actual conditions of business in this area. Yes, the evaporation of jobs is directly linked to crime. Gun sales should soar.
posted @ Tuesday, February 22, 2011 - 09:46Priest: Docs' board certification important
If you want a sense of his character, ask some of his former patients to comment.
posted @ Tuesday, December 28, 2010 - 21:34Today is final day for votes
Although I've known Gwen and Nancy for many, many years, unfortunately I cannot vote for either of them because I live in Oconee County. I do admire both of them for the sacrifices they have made by being willing to run for public office. They are both women of stature and integrity. They prove that people can run for political office without running attack ads or making hostile personality assaults during an election. They reflect my desire for political engagement in a democracy. So from the distance of Watkinsville I wish to applaud these two fine citizens. I wish the manner in which they have run for this office could be transported to Washington.
posted @ Tuesday, November 30, 2010 - 18:43Kefalas: Economy is all about demand
What happens in an aging population where people simply don't need more "stuff"? Personally I favor an end to conspicuous consumption, and I think there will need to be some incredible creative thinking about how to uplift an economy as more and more people want to downsize and get rid of their stuff. There is clear tension between a voluntary simplicity movement and accumulation of things most of us don't need and growing awareness that stuff does not bring happiness. For many who still think stuff has value, the recession has tempered their ability to shop. Black Friday may have drawn crowds to the stores, but early indicators don't reflect much economic stimulation nationwide. I have no plans to buy a refrigerator, car, washer, dryer, leaf blower or lawn mower until the ones I have now die.
posted @ Sunday, November 28, 2010 - 12:43Experienced foes battle in mayoral runoff
Most people in our country feel that people cannot campaign in a civil way, but Gwen and Nancy have not run attack ads. I've known both of them for over twenty-five years, and although they clearly have different styles and would emphasize some different strategies, ACC is fortunate to have two capable individuals expressing an interest in this public office. I believe that no matter which woman wins, the one who doesn't get the office will be of service to our community as much as possible. Also, as one of Nancy's daughters pointed out, it would be wise to engage the other three candidates who ran in the primary. These individuals have some tremendous ideas, are men who have had a chance to engage recently with the citizenry in serious deliberations, and should be invited to weigh in on public matters in our community. And to all the people near and far who ran vicious character attacks against their political opponents, you need to take a look at a city on the hills of Athens that produces stateswomen and statesmen at least for local offices. We definitely have some work to do regarding State and Federal campaigns. I personally won't contribute to candidates' campaigns, even if they are in the party I favor, if they succumb to undignified character attacks.
posted @ Sunday, November 14, 2010 - 20:47Thurmond looks to oust senator
I have already voted for Michael Thurmond. I have always voted for him and never been disappointed in his civic service, his character, his intelligence, his optimism, his courage, and his commitment to what is better for the full community. He is one of the few people in public service in my life (and I'm a senior) who has not let me down. If we had more Michael Thurmond type of leaders we would not be where we are now as a Nation. If others who have written above are right, and he does not win this election but goes on to serve some other assignment in the Obama administration that will be just fine. Wherever he goes, he will work for what is good for the larger community. He is a man of great integrity. He should be
cloned. I also value him and his opponent for not running those insane campaign ads. They both have dignity. I want to say to all the people on his late father's vegetable route in Athens, that I know you are proud of Michael Thurmond. I think his opponent is not running a negative campaign because he is a man of dignity, but also I would add that it would not be possible to run a dishonorable add about this man. Everyone in Athens should feel so proud to call him ours. I really "like Mike."
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