Summer Journal 2012, July 29
Today is my Dad's Birthday. Stell and I will call him later. Much easier than many years ago - now with the new phone cards, we have no trouble getting through and usually the connections are very clear. It remains Georgia-hot here in Greece. Highly unusual and the only relief is to go swimming, which we will do like everyday. I've cleaned another window, which means I've finished the living room and kitchen so tomorrow I will start with the study. I'm well into the book the Lost Prophet, but it is lengthy so I don't expect to finish it until the end of the week, then I'll read the complete book of Cole Campbell's essays.
Last night we went to the Ierissos-Thessaloniki people dance. We didn't come home until 2 a.m. Nothing unusual for here. The food was so-so, which is always true at these big party events. We sat with the family - Stell's two sisters, Anna and Ireni, Anna's daughters, Demetra and Mary, Demetra's husband Nicos, and our cousin, Lakis. Lakis kept repeating that he was going to drive us to Monaco. A little later in the evening we were graced with the presence of Kostas. He's 21 now. His parents left after the party to begin to prepare an apartment for him in Thessaloniki.
I'll keep my posting short today, so Stell can get his fair share of time on the Internet. A week from tmorrow things will "pick up" because Paris, Carrie, Jaiden, and Alexander arrive. They will rent a car in Thessaloniki and probably be here around sunset on Monday. Read a fun poem this morning called Mambo Cadillac in the book of poems from Julie.
Seize the day!
Last night we went to the Ierissos-Thessaloniki people dance. We didn't come home until 2 a.m. Nothing unusual for here. The food was so-so, which is always true at these big party events. We sat with the family - Stell's two sisters, Anna and Ireni, Anna's daughters, Demetra and Mary, Demetra's husband Nicos, and our cousin, Lakis. Lakis kept repeating that he was going to drive us to Monaco. A little later in the evening we were graced with the presence of Kostas. He's 21 now. His parents left after the party to begin to prepare an apartment for him in Thessaloniki.
I'll keep my posting short today, so Stell can get his fair share of time on the Internet. A week from tmorrow things will "pick up" because Paris, Carrie, Jaiden, and Alexander arrive. They will rent a car in Thessaloniki and probably be here around sunset on Monday. Read a fun poem this morning called Mambo Cadillac in the book of poems from Julie.
Seize the day!
Happy Birthday to your dad. I'm sure that both of you are really looking forward to the visit next week of the family. You will both enjoy the adults, but know that you'll swoon over the kids.
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