Sunday, March 26, 2006


--from Paul Light, a professor of political science at the Humphrey Institute at the University of Minnesota:

Innovation is a term that has taken on a lot of baggage over the last few years, so some people see it as the great mystical search for the light bulb or a magic solution to a problem. But I define innovation as removing barriers to doing what comes naturally, the common sense solutions to our problems. First, innovation should be driven by something you want to change, something you want to improve. You know you want to solve a problem, and the measure of whether an innovation works is whether it actually addresses and solves the problem you are trying to attack. It doesn’t have to solve it completely, but it should result in some positive improvement. It’s not just innovation for innovation’s sake – rather it’s directed towards solving a problem that people care about. The second thing that you look for is whether or not the problem you are trying to solve is worth solving, is it a serious concern? Is there a concern about the impact on the quality of life in the community? I know that that’s a big issue, but what we should be caring about is pursuing change that improves the quality of life for our citizens and for future citizens. We should be thinking about each project, or each innovation, adding somehow to our ultimate quality of life. And finally, I believe that imbedded in the definition of innovation should be sustainability. We ought to be worried about whether the programs we are trying or the new ways of delivering services, or the investments we are making and all the training and energy that we are trying to harness, is actually going to add something that will last longer than three years. We want to do things that will make a difference, solve problems, and be worth the trouble—and if they work, we need to worry about their long-term institutionalization. This is not a simple definition of innovation – it’s laden with values of innovation for what, not just a project or doing something new – it’s an innovation that makes a difference in the lives of people.”


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