Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Pandemic Preparedness Here

The Cornertalk program on the Pandemic here in Athens tonight was disappointing. The two "experts" in the group, one from the local Public Health Department, and the other from the campus Office of Security-Emergency Preparedness were a little "thin on guidance." They both indicated that they go to a lot of meetings about this, but there is nothing close to a plan that I could tell. They talked about the usual preparations for quarantine, social distancing, preparing to stay at home for a long period of time, and handwashing and hygiene. Other than that, we were told we would be welcome to become volunteers for Emergency Preparedness. I can understand not wanting to unnecessarily scare folks, but certainly citizens could get better direction than this. Obviously, I think students need more of a plan because they live in such close and restricted quarters. I would only guess that at this time they would want to bolt in their SUVs if they got news of a Pandemic. Our Public Health Department has 200 employees to service 30,000 people.

They gave us a Preparedness Bulletin with this guidance:

>People should wash or sanitize their hands right before touching food pr putting fingers in their eyes, nose or mouth for any reason. Touch nothing in between.
>People should avoid breathing where others have recently coughed or sneezed.
>Sick people with fever or cough should stay home and stay away from others.

Duh. I am underwhelmed. I don't think having a plan would scare me; what scares me is not having a plan.


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