Saturday, August 25, 2012

Adeline S. Holt's 80th Birthday

Today, Saturday, August 25, 2012, is the 80th birthday of our sister Adeline Holt.  We love being in Greece, but we are truly sorry that we aren't with her on this marker day.  Of course, we will celebrate when we return.  I will include a few photos of Addie when she did visit us in Greece.  She was born in Cleveland, Ohio.  Nic tells people he was born in Cleveland, Ohio, because he says it sounds unfortunate to say he was born in Lima.

Addie with Stell at the Parthenon Museum
Addie is the matriarch of our family which includes Holts and Damn Holts.  This requires her to host innumerable birthdays, Christmas, and Easter events and watch football with Stell.  She also is his main companion to innumerable events at the Hodgson Cultural Center at the University of Georgia.
Addie taught me the joy of cooking.  I am said to credit her with things she never baked according to her children Rafe and Kate.  She is the best read woman East of the Mississippi (this includes all of Europe as far as the border of Turkey).  I don't have a clear sense of reading accomplishments beyond Greece.  She has an almost 100% record identifying my reading material. 
She has in the past been the recipient of the prestigious Kalosyne Award.  She has been a leader in the library book sales in Cincinnati, Ohio.  She has worked in Athens as a volunteer docent at the Museum of Art, at the gift shop in the Athens-Clarke Public Library, as a volunteer in the St. Mary's Thrift Shop, and as a volunteer in the University of Georgia's Student Health Center.  She's done all kinds of other volunteering but I haven't written it all down and I'm already accused too often of being a graduate of MSU (Making Stuff Up), so I'll stop here.
She has a huge cadre of friends, several lifelong friendships, people who call her daily (sometimes more than once daily) from places outside Georgia for her conversation and counsel.  She was a reliable and constant friend to her late neighbor, Hannah Harvey.  She is a Holt Woman and Highly Rated Friend of the Usual Suspects. 
Adeline is a voracious reader of an amazing spectra of literary genre, a viewer of documentaries and early film, thrillers, mysteries and television talk shows.  She has a crush on Charlie Rose. 
Margaret and Stell enjoy lunch with Addie in Athens, Greece
She is an admired mother, beloved aunt, esteemed mother-in-law, and is constantly visited by cousins real and adopted.  Stell thinks she "makes up" the number of cousins she cites and describes.  She is known for her sharp opinions and insights, and for sure, a well-developed sense of humor.  Once she conquered the Internet and especially the Google possibility, she became dangerous. 
Today is her 80th birthday, she has been a central figure in my life.  We all wish her a very Happy Birthday.  Especially me.
Love, Margaret
If you want to send her greetings her email is


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